Today I went to Makro with Mom & Aisha for some Pre Ramadan grocery shopping... (there should be another blog written about the experience of shopping but something more interesting right now)
So when we were done with shopping & standing in the billing line I saw this Stuffed Toy Baby which was lying on top of grocery in a shopping cart in the next lane... Now this baby actually looked real so I got excited about the finishing of this Chinese product...
Me : Aisha check this stuffed baby.
Aisha : Nahi bhai! thats a real baby.
Me : Beta you're mistaken, its toy, look its still and lying on top of grocery... nobody puts their real baby on top of grocery.
Now while we're having this discussion while looking at the baby cart (and pointing towards the toy baby) the lady behind the cart asks us "Kia Hawa?" (what happened?) now due to her high pitch voice "the toy baby came to life & woke up..." (yes Aisha was correct)
The Lady : Kia Hawa?
Her expression was as if she's not really pleased with me & Aisha and if you happen to know me & Aisha then u must be aware that we are the most non violent people EVER!!! so to cover up the situation I made the most funnies face I could in that situation and
Me : he he... I'm sorry but I thought it was a toy ka baby!
The Lady : ha ha... No no... its a real baby
"And is taraan Puri Sahib bharey baazar aik aurat k haatoon pitney se bachey..."
But seriously? who keeps a real baby on top of grocery? and look at the baby! such an actor... playing toy so people get beaten up... not done )-: