All our life... We try to make sure that nothing bad happens to them. Who they're meeting, who they're hanging out with, what their activities are, what kind of stuff they eat... All those who's why's and what's that we're concerned about...
But a time comes... And it does trust me no matter what... A time comes when no matter how many precautions we take, no matter how many times we tell them whats good and whats not... No matter... They start to think that they know the best about it and start taking things in their own hands... That is the time when we despite of the fact knowing what they're doing is not good for themselves have to just let them be on their own... That is the time when our parents start getting old...
I happen to be son of two such parents, Mom being a diabetic and Dad a diabetic AND a heart patient... They both know that Sugar is not good for them, Dad knows that smoking is bad for his health... No MATTER how many times I tell them... they just don't listen to me...
Last week I caught my dad smoking in the street and he knows its something which he should have since doctor strictly asked him not to... Now he knows how furious his smoking will make me... He was not bothered about being caught... Can you imagine? he started laughing... I mean that's too much...
If I catch him eating something sweet and inquire about it, he goes like "oh but my sugar was low", His justification of smoking is that it helps in conception, I mean all of you out there!!! if any of you is facing conception then please start smoking because, tough my dad is an engineer, his doctorate says "Smoking is good for conception" I mean that's just too much...
But he's not just the only one I've to deal with here, I've to keep my mom away from ice cream, she acts the wiser one among the two, (May be she's younger than dad and there's still hope for some betterment as I still have some time) But her justification of eating ice cream is "Sirf aik cheez pe tou bud perhazi kerti hoon" I ask you all... who would like to buy that?
Somedays back she injured her finger (another long story) and got the bandaid on it... the thing went for a couple of days and finally the doc stopped the dressing and strictly asked her to keep her hand away from water... Guess what? Madame feels like washing the dishes... These parents I tell you... They do whatever they're asked not to do and yet they feel proud doing it...
Well... I couldnt save my parents from bad company and falling into bad habits... if any of you out there still has any idea how to save my parents from all these activities then please help me here because I really am worried about the two of them... I mean, "Meri tou naak kata dein gey ye dono aik din".... So if any of you has any idea or any solution as what shall I do with them then please help me here... And for those of you who still have parents young enough... Please do something before its too late...
Worried Puri Sahib.
Life , as the year 2024 ends, I sit hear Dec 24th trying to fantom the
courage to let the words narrate the truth in all its bitterness and
beauty. Let me ...
2 months ago
Whoa! THat is soooooo true!! Mom n Dad bigar gae hain aaj kal k..!! Somebody please help!!!
Dont even try it wont work,they will do what they want,like us kids :D
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