Today at Oneness Breakfast I found something about myself...

There we did an exercise where we all were asked to write 20 things which makes us happy... and the worst part is, Taronish sitting next to me was not in the mood of "helping" hehe...
Now what amazed me was... it was very easy for everyone to write 20 things that make them happy... and on the other hand... I was all err... after 5... trust me, till the end, I was not able to complete the 20 things, 18 was max I could come up with...
So in the end everyone was asked to read 3 things off their list... People had stuff like sleep, chocolate, food, music etc etc... and then I was like DANG!!! I like all that too but I never noticed that that stuff makes me happy... May be I dont think too much... I just live in the moment... Dont know if its good or bad... BUT my list had stuff like Teasing others, Practical Jokes, Pranks (when played on others) etc etc etc... and thats when everyone wanted to hear whole of my list... Obviously I was not gonna share everything there (gota leave some stones unturned) so I told them that remaining stuff is more of Mother Theresaish...
So thats when the title of this blog comes in... you either start noticing small stuff or you better warn those around you... Now since I dont notice these small things thats why it always has to be something BIG to make me happy... stuff like an unexpected phone call from an old friend, When u walk into home after a long hectic day your mom bringing you a glass of cold water... that can also make you happy... In the world that we live in today... We've to find happiness in small things or we'll be sad forever...
Puri Sahib, Trying to be happy (-:
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