Okay… Normally I only write when my mind is in a specific frequency… But today I’m no where near to being in that frequency however I still am writing just because I want to…
Now if I’m writing without a reason then there has to be some really good reason for you to bare this (-: so I have reasons… like more than 1?
1. Alta & Annie two of my most favorite bloggers made new entries today so why should I stay back? Right?
2. I’m in exceptionally good mood today. Why? I’ve reasons for everything (-;
a. No work till Thursday due to Eid Holidays
b. I went out with Ricky & Annie today and it was great fun, had iftar / dinner followed by ice cream… (Ricky! If you’re reading this, I would’ve been happier if you weren’t there :-P)
3. Finally Annie & I decided what my book is going to be about… (Did I mention that I’m thinking of writing a book?)
So enough reasons eh? But now the problem is… I don’t know what to write about… lolz
Hmmm… so lets start with highlights of the day.
Work usual, Karsaz Naval Mart – over crowded as it was last day before eid so that was a pain, Kushi didn’t clean car properly (probably had a fight with wife before coming to work), Asif’s topis at the top of the world AND once again, evening with Annie & Ricky…
Hmmm…. What else? Oh yea…
Had this discussion with Annie & Ricky, they’re of the opinion that after being in a relationship for over 3-4 years, one looses the spice of it… as in things get too much of routine & thus one looses interest, what do you all think? I strongly disagree… If its love then its supposed to get stronger with time… It may change its face but it is there… like after being married for about 37 years (my ma & pa) and 5 kids, 3 kids-in-law & 5 grand kids… How would you feel if my mom comes out of kitchen singing “urain jub jub zulfain teri, kawarion dil machley jind meriye!” if she does any such thing then we all will be saying “budhi gori lal lagaam” right? So she can’t do that, that’ll be too off… what she does is, dad doesn’t need look for his medicines, his food is there on time, the things which he’s allergic to stay out of home, his clothes are there all ready & on time, mom remembers when he’s supposed to see the doctor etc etc etc… so that is love, right? So Annie & Ricky! Beat that!
As I write this I'm having the same discussion with Mannu on msn and she says, "u dont need the spark when something more stronger is there :)" I strongly believe in that... Thanks Mannu!
Ouch! Just now I tried… I think my sore throat is turning REAL BAD!!! (Annie you’re to be blamed because I only ate that stupid ice cream to give you company)
Okay Enough with his blog... Time to close
Puri Sahib in a different mood ;-)
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