Time in Karachi

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do you get high?

Okay my creativity is in FULL SWING tonight so here's second blog of the night...

I was having this discussion with Khaldoon today while we were going somewhere, What is getting High? or getting addicted to something, why we do that?

Ask any smoker, they say they smoke because it helps them relief tension... so why dont others smoke? I mean in the world today, everyone has tensions of their own, no?

Well we all have our ways, we all get "high" it only matters what works for us... Like for myself, I drive or I write... depends how tensed I am, one of these two things always help me relief tension and I feel relaxed...

Now what one should look into is, what kind of "addiction" are you adapting? or what works for you better? Why not get into some non harmful "addiction" like reading, writing, listening to music, painting etc. rather than smoking, doping or drinking?

Creative Puri Sahib

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