No its not about the novel or the movie based on the novel
Today I went to get my sister's phone repaired (yet again) and the idiot at the repair shop misplaced the memory card... I'm glad we're not someone who keeps important stuff on memory card and always take backup on computer however the only pain is that I've to make play list all over again (and till I do that, listen to my sis)... guess that's a price I cant avoid )-:
Anyways... After a lot of "negotiations" I was given another memory card... Now this card happens to be a used one and thus there was some data of the previous owner... I went through the card before formatting it hoping to find some nice songs however what I found didn't take me by surprise but I thought of it as something as worth sharing...
Any Guesses?
Well there were some recorded calls between the previous owner & "THE love of his life" (Meh! Bite ME)
Now the calls were pretty stereotype obviously recorded by the guy claiming his "sincere" love and the girl all falling for that... I guess even that too is something all the adults know about and inappropriate for those who don't know what that is ;) so no point wasting time over it...
Now what I want to ask girls is... EXACTLY HOW FOOL ARE YOU? cant you just see that? I don't know the "characters" (I shouldn't mention any names here, right?) in the recordings but even then I was able to understand that the guy is fooling around with the girl and playing around just to feel like a MAN... Shame on such guys!
Okay I know I'm no saint here and have done my share in the past but one advice to all the guys, if you want to be a "man" then be MAN enough to be honest and if then a girl also want to be a party (trust me, there are such girls) then go for it... atleast don't tell a girl that she's the ONE when she's just ONE in the lot... I agree your "LIST" wont be that interesting and you wont be able to brag among your friends about a new girl every month but... Ah! Nevermind, because I know whatever I say wont make a difference...
However when you're about to hit your next "target", just think about one thing... How would you feel if someone treats your sister or daughter (in future) the same way?
"What goes around, comes around"
Revolted Puri Sahib
Life , as the year 2024 ends, I sit hear Dec 24th trying to fantom the
courage to let the words narrate the truth in all its bitterness and
beauty. Let me ...
2 months ago
1 comment:
I can write a book on this... But ur right it's really not gonna make any difference.
As far as such men are concerned well... they will come round to a similar situation in life and will ultimately know how it feels like. Such people merely need to grow up and FAST! For the girls who have been victim to this... well they need to be super strong from the inside. They should know that it's not the end of this world if they came across a freak, infact they should be glad that it ended cos they deserve better and that better WILL show up. They just need to keep a poisitive attitude. Nobody's worth shedding tears in this world except one's family and a few CONFIRM sincere freinds ...
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