For last couple of years I was living on the principle of "Do in Rome like the Romans do" and recently the urge to "connect with myself" was felt necessary... They say "when there's a will, there's a way" so when I decided to connect with myself, I found out oneness breakfast.

I personally feel that the session of yesterday was most fruitful and I learned something which I was trying to deal with for a long time. When things are going right everything seems to be pointing in the same direction... Recently I was having a discussion with someone on negativity and that person said that "negativity travels faster than the speed of light" so true...
Why do we as human beings take everything negatively? Someone opts for commerce then our first question is "why not science?" if that SAME person opts for pre-med science then we say "why not pre-engineering?" (-: why everything has to be negative?
Take my personal example of yesterday, I was asked by 3 different people the same question "So when do you plan to get married?" as if there's a following list in life & people cant wait for things to get checked out...
My list would go as follows
Birth... Check
Education... Check
Job... Check
Stability... Check
Marriage... ... ... Why is the check missing here?
People, I'm more than happy with the "cheques" that I get ;-)
Why do people doubt that if I'm not getting married then there must be "some secret behind it?" hehehe... I mean I'm just waiting for the right kind of a girl whom I can connect with because this is once in a lifetime decision and I dont need to rush, simple...
A conversation I had some years back with a friend of my dad. I strongly remember that it was 2001 and this gentleman moved back to Pakistan after spending a million years in Saudia Arabia with his family. One evening I came home after playing and he was sitting in our lawn with my dad thus I went to say Salaam (if I ever write top ten mistakes of my life, this is going to be in the list... Such Salaams have created a lot of trouble in my life)
Mr.X "So Omer! your abu was telling me that you seem to have a lot of information about cars, what do you think? shall I buy Corolla or Civic?"
Me "Definitely Civic"
Mr.X "And why is that?"
Me "Corolla is the same shape which was launched in 1992 and it was discontinued back in 1995 worldwide while Honda launched the latest shape of Civic this yr in Pakistan, the car has better drive, better options and more advanced than Corolla."
Mr.X "But don't you think Corolla has better resale?"
Me "In cities like Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad this is not the case since both the cars are equally in demand. The resale might be an issue in small areas. Even I've got the new civic so if you want I can give you a test drive."
Mr.X "But Corolla is more reliable, cheaper parts and then I love Toyota"
Me (smiling and realizing the situation) "Well then I guess you should go for corolla as that would probably suit you better."
Mr.X "I thought so"
hehehehe... this dialogue is a lifetime laughter for me...
Advice is the easiest thing to give, no loss & 100% profitability...
If it goes right they can say
"I told you so"
And if goes wrong, they can say
"So? why are you blaming it on me? dont you have any sense?"
Recently a friend of mine got this job at some place where she was dealing with direct sales. She left after 10 days, following is the conversation I had with her.
Me "So why did you leave such a good job?"
N "You know they dont pay if you're not able to sell"
Me s-: "Are you on commission only basis?"
N "No"
Me "Then? how come they wont pay you?"
N "They dont give salary if there's no performance"
Me "What bullshit!! how is that possible. Who told you this?"
N "My bla bla colleague did and you know what? she didnt get a sale in 4 months and they havent paid her for last 4 months"
Me "So did you confirm this with your management?"
N "No"
Me "You're such a fool! why didn't you ask that colleague of yours that if this is such a bad organization then why is she working without any pay for 4 months?"
On that, my friend realized what happened to her and I know such is not the case in that organization because I know her bosses.
I really dont know what people get out of such things...
Anyways... the reason for writing such a long blog was:-
1. This is what I brought home from Oneness Breakfast this week, Say NO to negativity and people who are trying to spread negativity. Just do what you feel is right and live your life happily (-:
2. I felt like writing... LOLZ
Puri Sahib... Minding his own business
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