Today I made a mistake (uh ok smart ass! ANOTHER MISTAKE, happy now?). Neways, what I did this time was that I went to the head office of one of those Foreign Banks who have opened their branches in Pakistan.

Now in my opinion, they've hired the FINEST quality of asses to run their security department. (No I dont mean "Hot Ass", its literal ass i.e. donkey, yea Smart ass! I know its an ape's pic but I was unable to find a pic of an ass wearing this uniform, Now SHUT UP!)
So Ass No.1 stopped me at the gate from where I was entering saying its the exit gate (Yea I know its not all their fault but at least they should've placed a sign saying OUT) so I turned around and and went towards the entrance gate. There I was stopped by Ass No.2 & Ass No.3 and I was asked "Where to?"
{Now like JD of Scrubs, I went into a dream sequence...
Ass No.2 : Where to?
Me : What's the cost of 1 ticket?
Ass No.2 : Ticket? for what?
Me : I'm sorry, isn't it the amusement park?
Back to reality... }
Despite for the fact that I had a strong like STRONG urge of having the conversation above, I decided to go to the point so I said I came to drop some stuff for a friend who works in the bank to which I got a surprising reply, "Only cars with stickers are allowed inside"... huh! excuse me? like all the customers of the Bank are made to place your stupid sticker on their cars? can somebody here pinch me so I can wake up?
Anyways, keeping all my previous similar experiences in mind, I came to a conclusion that it would be pointless to talk to the Ass No.2 & Ass No.3 so I called my friend and explained her my dilemma. Probably she was in good mood so she decided to come down for my rescue, After she came I was allowed to go in the bank premises.
Then I was told that I was supposed to park my car in the parking lot and since I went 5 foot ahead of the turn, so I was not allowed to reverse but I had to use the exit gate to get out (that was nothing less than "GET OUT OF HERE!!!") and then go back in. Another surprise that I was blessed with there... the "sticker" which I didnt have was some sort of gate pass which is made on the gate... Last I checked in mirror I didnt but probably to them I looked like Bin Laden that's why they didnt give me one but my friend was able to get it.
To cut the long story short, I was able to do the thing I went there for and while going out, when I gave the gate pass back to the Ass No.1 standing on exit gate. He looked at it in a way as if it was the most alien thing he's seen in his entire life which forces me to ask my friend, "Was that whole drama a setup?"
Neways, I came out hoping never to go back again... or like Vin Diesel said in Fast & the Furious, "I'd prefer to die rather than going back there" I know he was referring to prison but I'll refer to the above mentioned bank...
The conclusion is... whenever I think I've seen it all, there's something new round the corner...
p.s. I more thing I realized today... I just love to use brackets ()[]{} and they're so many of them... hehehe...
Puri Sahib - and the learning continues...
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