I know my stats are no where near to her’s but… oh well, its always quality over quantity :P so I would like to thank you all for keeping a check :-)
New Year just started and I’ve a feeling that this year is going to be a great year, last year I left a lot of things and got used to a lot of new things, some are things I still want to leave… Somethings I left and still miss, somethings I left & am thankful that I’m away from them, some new things I got & now feel I don’t want them anymore and some new things which I got & my love for them is growing by each day… I still want to leave MSN tough as gtalk & skype are 100 times better alternatives but there’s something about msn which is not letting me part off…
I don’t know in which category I should put my passion for writing, clearly its not there anymore but like today… there are exceptional days… after giving it a thought I decided to declare myself as a legend… (I know I know I know :P)… Like Sean Connery takes 1 great movie every few years since he’s retired, I’ll also blog once in a blue moon… You might see me conducting some workshop on blogging (which is something in the pipeline btw) but I won’t write regularly… I simply don’t want to share every single detail of my life on the World Wide Web. First I thought to make a new blog with the name “From the pages of a Retired Blogger” but then I thought that would be too dramatic and also it’s a lot of hassle in making a new blog and then what about all you people who have nothing better to do in life then to check my blog for new posts? So I’m continuing with this account, fewer posts & a change of heading should do :-)
Puri Sahib declaring himself a "Retired Blogger" :-)
2 things
1) I love how you love her.
2) Please read the name of the picture again.
2 things...
1) its ok :P
2) Thanks & fixed :)
sean connery... ? comparisons...? You got guts buddy...
Umer I think if I compare myself to anything less than the best then it wont be fair to the one I'm being compared to... (I know I excel at bs too...lol)
Umm, I've just noticed you've labelled this Humaira Gulzad.
Your name & link to your blog are mentioned in this post thats why...
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